As usual, June was a great month for fieldwork despite some pretty big storms. The big highlights from this month are: · TIP’s reach rate has nearly doubled from this time last year. · TIP is preparing for “fair season.” · We would like you to keep an eye out for Japanese Knotweed, Garden Valerian, Spotted Knapweed, and Phragmites in July. · 19.0 ac of invasive species were treated by TIP & our partners, let us know if you’d like to get involved. · Menominee County passed a resolution to support TIP. · Our finances are looking strong for 2016. July Events 9: Kid’s Fishing Day. 11:00 AM-1:00 PM Mill’s Fleet Farm, Antigo, WI. Bring your kids out for a fun and educational event focused on fishing. TIP will be sharing a booth on invasive species with the Tri-County AIS Coordinator, John Preuss. 15: Snail & Mussel Workshop. 9:30 AM—12:00 PM in Elton, WI. DNR experts presenting on both native and invasive snails and mussels in Wisconsin waters. The workshop will cover topics such as life histories, identification, historical uses, and invasive species impacts. We will also visit an area stream or lake and get hands on experience with monitoring and identification. The best part is this opportunity is free to the public. 27-31: Langlade County Fair. Antigo, WI. Come checkout the shared TIP/Langlade County Land Conservation Department Booth at the Langlade County Fair! While supplies last, we will have native plant seeds for you to take home with you. 28: Lumberjack RC&D Meeting. 8:00 AM-12:00 PM. The July meeting is being held at the Roadhouse at 3322 State Hwy 139 in Long Lake, WI. Please register by contacting Tracy Beckman at 715-369-9886. Breakfast is $5, Lunch & Breakfast $20 per person. Check out the TIP Calendar Online at www.timberlandinvasives.org for more events! |
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